
I am a fourth year Electrical Engineering PhD student at Stanford University advised by Professor John Duchi and supported by the Professor Michael J. Flynn SGF fellowship. I have been fortunate to work with Moritz Hardt last summer in the intersection of causal inference and control theory. My research interests are broadly in developing provably-better machine learning methods for real world applications. I have recently become interested in applying machine learning towards modernizing the energy grid.

Prior to joining Stanford, I was fortunate as an undergraduate at UC Berkeley to work with Professors Jean Walrand, Laurent El Ghaoui, and Kannan Ramchandran. I was also fortunate to be a teaching assistant for Data Structures (CS61b) in Sp'17, Algorithms (CS170) in Fa'17, and Probability (EE126) in Sp'18 and Sp'19. In 2019, I was awarded the UC Berkeley Campus Outstanding GSI award.

If you would like contact me, please email me at


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